Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Look What I've Been Up To...

The baby sweater is complete. I'm still convinced that there is something wrong with the pattern since I worked it and ripped it out not once, not twice but THREE times and I still don't think it sews together correctly. Oh well, it's cute and it's finished.

I also started this - the Wavy Scarf from Knitty.com.

(Did you notice the hardwood floors? Just thought I'd point that out.) I've had this pattern for quite some time and finally found the yarn I wanted to do it in. I'm using Paton's Shetland Chunky, a wool blend that feels soft and has some great color variations in it. See... Pretty, huh? I'd like a whole sweater made out of this yarn. The pattern is fun, too. I had to modify the stitch count since this yarn is way bigger than what it calls for on the pattern. I'm always amazed how you can get two simple stitches to "move" like this. Fascinating.

As for what we did over the holiday weekend...it was quiet and relaxed. On Friday, on a whim, we went bowling. Though I had my camera, it never occurred to me to actually USE it. So, I give you a picture of Punkin putting her real shoes back on after we finished. *sigh*

On Saturday night we went out to dinner at a new BBQ place with several families. It was YUMMY! The kids had quite the time at their own table while the grown-ups had normal conversations at their table. Here's Punkin and Palmer hamming it up. After dinner they set up a beauty shop and decided to make each other over - at the table. Too funny.

On Sunday night we went to Shawn & Kimberly's for dinner. Punkin played with all the kids and ended up spending the night with Austin - quite a big step based on all the separation anxiety issues we've had over the summer. Whew! Big sigh of relief. On Monday, we met them at the park for a quick picnic. We took Cody and Leah to burn off some energy at the dog park, then came home. After a nap and dinner, it was time to get ready for the back to work/school drag....

I love long weekends.

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