Thursday, February 07, 2008

Two Years Ago Today...

Two years ago today we adpoted Leah. This is what she looked like when she was rescued.

Pitiful, huh? She was abandoned by her former owners. Apparently they moved away and left her in their backyard - with no food and no water. They aren't sure how long she was there before someone found her and called animal control. The vet that originally treated her said that she was one of the worst cases of abuse they'd ever seen. She had to sleep under a heat lamp and on a heating pad for the first several days in order to keep her warm. She was barely able to stand due to her condition. She went to a wonderful foster mom named Jean Strein in North Augusta, SC. Jean got her in January and nursed her back to health.

We found her on and fell in love with her because of this picture.

Look at that cute face! She just looked like she wanted to come live with us. In mid-January 2006 I emailed the foster mom and told her we wanted to be put into consideration for adoption. I told her our story or rescuing our three-legged schnauzer, Abby, and how she contracted optic neuritis and died. I told her about our visits to the doggie opthamologist.... all that to say we'd be great parents for Leah.

So, we got her and this is what she looks like today.

Hard to believe she's the same dog. If it weren't for the gray beard, you'd never know it. She weighs 18 pounds and eats like a BIG dog. She's my shadow - follows me everywhere I go. She sleeps in between me and Bill. You couldn't ask for a better dog. It's almost like she KNOWS how bad she had it and how good she has it now and I really think she APPRECIATES us.

So, the next time you think you want a dog, don't go to a pet store or a breeder. Go through a rescue organization. I have several linked on the right side of this blog under my favorite links. Leah is our third rescue and we'd never again do it any other way.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's the Super Bowl of Politics

Today is "Super Tuesday" and, yes, I voted. It appears that my guy is going to win Georgia and hopefully that means that the Fair Tax will get more attention. Fingers (and toes) crossed. It'll be interesting to watch the results come in. I've been instructed to only watch the tickers across the bottom of the screens and NOT to watch the shows where they actually talk about what's going on. That tends to get me a little too "hot and bothered" and I have problems calming down enough to fall asleep. Not good. (If there are knitters who actually read this blog I'll probably get slammed. Knitters tend to be aggressively democratic. Opinion based solely on the sheer number of comments on their blogs and the sidebar "Days til GWB is Out of Office" counters. Certainly not "inviting" for those of us who are of the more conservative persuasion. I'm just sayin.)

Any way. I've been making socks! Lots and lots of socks. It's totally the fault of this book:
I (will) have soon as I find my camera.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Boo Got Shot!

This has got to be one of my favorite things of all time. It's actually an interview that appeared on NewsTalk 750 in Atlanta several years ago. The morning talk shoow host, Neal Boortz, liked it so much that he put it on the show. His producer, Royal Marshall, provides the "translation" of Peaches' account of the crime. Now someone has animated it. Too funny!

Boo Got Shot - Animation - video powered by Metacafe