Monday, February 02, 2009

Progress Report - Month One

It's been one month since I started the Biggest Loser challenge with some of my Facebook friends. It has NOT been easy since I LOVE to eat and I have an incurable sweet tooth. I am not a morning person and by the end of the day I find it hard to squeeze in a workout (working 10+ hours a day doesn't help either). I've been doing pretty good on managing my calories. I downloaded an app (called Lose It!) for my iPhone. I use it to track EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth as well as my exercise and daily weigh ins. Since my iPhone is virtually attached to me like a body part, it's easy to remember to log my intake.

The good thing is that there has been some weight loss! So far I've lost 9 pounds, which is about the 1-2 pounds per week average I was shooting for. What makes it great is that the 9 pounds translates into 7 inches! 3 inches from my chest (bummer), 2 from my waist (yeah) and one from each of my thighs. I can finally start to see a difference! Yahoo!  My pants fit MUCH better now. I'm planning to literally work my arse off so that I can win the prize money ($600) - you can buy a lot of new clothes with $600!

Now, get out there and eat a Krispy Kreme for me! (Just tell me that it was awful and I wasn't missing anything. Thanks. Carry on.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bad Blogger. Bad.

Hi. My name is Jennifer and I'm a bad blogger. 

Today is January 25th and it's been since January 1st since I last posted. To make matters worse, I have no real excuse. I have time to update Facebook and read email but for some reason I can't make time to update this blog. Sad, really.

On the weight loss front, I've lost 6 pounds - it doesn't sound like a lot but it feels like a lot. I actually bought 2 new pairs of pants yesterday and my jeans are starting to fit a little more loosely. I have a long way to go but I didn't get to be this size in 3 months and I won't lose it in 3 months. I realize it's a process. My goal is to lose it all in a year. I would like to lose most of it by the spring/summer because of my husband's 20-year class reunion. But that's another story for another day. 

The only thing I've been knitting is socks and if I'd knit a complete pair before I started another pair I would probably have something to show for my efforts besides 5 half pairs of socks. But, alas, I cannot be "project monogamous." My next project is going to be these Leyburn Socks that I saw on the Harlot's page - they're from Pepperknit. As soon as I figure out how to do a toe-up cast on I'm going to knit them in Sagitarius from the Knit Witch because I think the stitch pattern will show off the colors in the yarn nicely. The picture of the yarn doesn't do it justice - it's WAY prettier in person. If you have a suggestion for a toe-up cast on (or better yet a VIDEO of what to do) leave me a comment. 

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I Feel Like Oprah...

Well, without the TV show and the magazie and the money and the multiple houses. I feel like Oprah and her "how did THIS happen" issue of O Magazine. 

"How did what happen?" you ask. Uh, how did I go from a svelte 125 pounds 13 years ago to (approximately) 180 pounds today? HOLY FREAKING COW (no pun intended)!!!!

I'm either really brave, or really stupid, for this but . . . want to know what (almost) 180 pounds looks like on a 5'3" tall woman? It looks like this (and I'm only showing you the back, mostly because I can't bear the front): 
What am I? A really short linebacker? Look at the size of those shoulders! (Notice the placement of the fire... obviously a poor choice of location for a photo shoot, but funny nonetheless.) 

So, to do something about this I've joined a "Biggest Loser 2009" support group with some Facebook friends. There are 12 of us so far and we've chipped in $50 each. The person who loses the biggest % of weight between today and May 31st wins the pot 'o money (and a nice engraved silver cuff bracelet which is going to look awfully funny if one of the two guys happens to win).  

I'm hoping that the six of you (ha!) who actually read my blog will remind me of this picture and offer moral support along the way. Especially when I mention "work," "stress," "beer" or "cookie dough" in the same post.  Our first virtual weigh in is on January 11th. I'll post additional pics and report on the progress. And the next time you eat a Dairy Queen M&M Blizzard or chocolate chip cookies or a Mocha Frapp from Starbucks, think of me. I'll be over here in the corner (of the gym) munching on carrots and sipping something with protein in it. Let the fun begin!