Friday, July 20, 2007

Vegas, Baby!

That's where I've been for the past week. Bill and I left on July 8th and came back on the 15th. Can I just tell you, that's WAY TOO long to spend in Vegas. The trip was for Bill's job and we spent at least 10-12 hours per day working. Then.....we went out and partied until 1:00 AM+. I think I might be a little too old for that! Getting up the next morning by 6:00 was HARD and recovery time, well, I'm still recovering. :)

So, I haven't crafted anything since then. However, I did get my new Stampin' Up Fall catalog and L-O-V-E it! I'm heading to a Stampin' Up Hostess Club on July 30th - this year's Hostess Club will be doing more scrapbooking (which is good because I'm so far behind on my books!). I'll post pics of what we do. (I think I have the picture thing figured out now - I now have a Flickr account. We'll see.)

We're heading to Lowe's to look for a new kitchen floor. We're also thinking of getting our cabinets refaced ( instead of springing for brand new cabinets. We have to do something because my kitchen is making me NUTS!

More later!

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