Monday, December 29, 2008
Holy Cow! What Just Happened?
Monday, October 27, 2008
One Day as I Was Walking, Walking to the Fair...
The pink afghan won a white ribbon. The pattern is from Simple Crochet for Cherished Babies by Jane Davis. It works up quickly and is my "go to" pattern for most baby presents I've made recently.
In this view: the pastel bag on the top won a white ribbon. The socks below (Flame Wave by Ann Budd) won a red ribbon and my Monkey Socks won blue. The brightly colored bag (below and right of the pastel one) won a white ribbon. You might remember it as the bag that caused me to lose my religion with my sewing machine. The blue/green hoodie won a red ribbon. It's a good thing they didn't put in on a real kid. I know kids have big heads but it would take a ginormous head to fill up that hood. I think it was something wrong with the pattern. I'm just sayin'....
The green ballerina neck sweater won a red ribbon. (I actually expected blue and would have liked to have seen the entry that got first place.)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
WARNING: Political Rant!
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! I’m sick of Congress and the Media thinking that we’re stupid myrmidons and we can’t do our own research and that we should just assume that everything they tell us is the gospel truth. Well I’m NOT stupid; in fact, I’m extremely intelligent and my head isn’t so far up my “politics” that I can’t see a line of crap when it’s fed to me.
I’m more than just a little torqued that the Administration thinks that the money I work my ass off for should be taken FROM me at the threat of jail and used to bail out companies that made bad business decisions. No one bailed ME out when, as an ill-principled college grad, I ran up astronomical credit card bills. No one! I worked HARD to pay off those debts and it took me more than 10 years! But, by God, they’re gone – as are my student loans. And no, I didn’t get a consolidation loan; I scrimped and scraped and spent nights and weekends at home until they were paid off. Big surprise – LESSON LEARNED – do you think I’ll EVER get in that shape again. HELL NO!
So, here begins my RANT on this financial crisis and how, why and who caused it. I’ve linked where appropriate so that you can do your own research. You aren’t going to hear this on the CBS News with perky little Katie Couric because it makes certain people and their party look bad and that doesn’t fit the mold of the news they see fit to share.
The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 was a bill passed under the Carter administration. The Bill, like most, had good intentions but was manipulated for political gain. Designed to invest dollars in community revitalization, this Act was hijacked under the Clinton administration by groups like ACORN (I’ll get to them later) and used to brow-beat leading institutions into lowering their lending standards to make loans to people who would have not qualified under standard lending practices, hence the onslaught of sub-prime lending. Now for an aside – do you REALLY THINK for one minute that any bank, out of the charity of their heart, is going to loan money to someone they KNOW cannot afford to repay it? Of course not – that’s corporate suicide! They wouldn’t loan it unless, they were forced/coerced by the government to do so. (This is where Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae come in.)
Freddie and Fannie were NEVER government entities - they were Government SPONSORED Entities (GSEs) which means that they looked from the outside to be a true government entity, like the FDIC. The banks and lending institutions were leery of making these kinds of loans until Freddie and Fannie stepped in to say, “Hey, we’ve got your back. Make the loans, bundle them together and we’ll buy them from you.” Now, as a GSE, Freddie and Fannie were not governed by the same rules and oversight that normal corporations are subject to. In fact, Republicans warned against the coming disaster while trying to pass the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which sought to curtail these kinds of lending practices. The warnings were NOT headed and the legislation was soundly defeated by Democrats in the Congress. In fact, some Congressmen went as far as to say that there was nothing wrong with Freddie and Fannie and the simple act of trying to clean them up amounted to a “political lynching” of Franklin Raines, the then CEO of Fannie Mae (who happens to be black) and now a financial advisor to the Obama campaign.) Under Raines leadership, Fannie is accused of cooking the books to generate fat bonuses for their leadership, including Raines. They were then forced to restate their earnings wiping out almost $9 billion in reported earnings.
Back to ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN is one of those “community organizing” groups that the Media is so fond of these days. What they don’t tell you is how they operate – or at least how they operated in the time period leading up to this financial meltdown. For example, ACORN representatives jammed the lobbies of banks, confronted bank executives at their homes, blocked the drive-thru teller lanes of banks, and otherwise intimidated banks into making these risky loans. So how is ACORN involved with Barack Obama? Obama was a trainer and an attorney for the organization during his community organizer days in Chicago. His campaign has paid more than half a million dollars to ACORN for “get out the vote” efforts. Speaking of “get out the vote efforts,” there are MANY instances of ACORN being involved in blatant voter registration fraud – some of them are detailed here – you can Google each of them for yourself. (For the sake of space, I didn't include links here.)
So, for the sanctimonious Nancy Pelosi to stand on her "pulpit" in the House of Representatives and preach to me about how it’s “all the Republican’s fault” that this happened is pure crap and a load of unadulterated lies – and she knows it. She also knows that most Americans get their news from ABC, CBS and NBC and they aren’t going to tell the whole story. Her lies are safe - safely perpetuated by the Media. (Which is why I do my OWN research.)
Were the Republicans PARTLY responsible? You betcha! Were they SOLELY responsible – OF COURSE NOT and it's stupid to try to place all the blame there! And for Pelosi, Barney Franks and Harry Reid to continue to pontificate that it’s the Bush Administration’s “failed economic policies” is an affront to the US Constitution. My understanding of that sacred document is that it’s the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES responsibility to initiate EACH AND EVERY spending bill, NOT the President's responsibility (no matter his party affiliation). So, Nancy need look no further than her position as Speaker of the House to find the ultimate blame. Where I work, the buck stops with ME - I don't get to pass blame to others. Buck up, Nancy!
Finally, to use my friend Jodi's words, "Nancy Pelosi, do you wanna piece of me?" Bring. It. On. I’m done and I’m going to uncork a bottle of Chardonnay. Discuss…
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm Happy To Report
Thursday, September 11, 2008
After Which Nothing Was the Same
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Gettin' Cozy
How cute is that? It's about 7.5" long x 2.5" wide x 6" tall. It even has a zipper! (Don't worry - I didn't sew it with my sewing machine - I actually LEARN from my mistakes.)
It's perfect for "game day" - just big enough for your wallet or ID, some cash, keys and lipstick. Since I'm really NOT a Georgia Bulldogs fan, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a red and black purse...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
You're Ruining My Life!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Laundry Update!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The Bag Lady and Her Albatross
This one. Well, it took a little longer. You can't tell from this picture, but it's made up of 26 triangles that are sewn together. Twenty-six triangles = LOTS of ends to weave in. A royal PITA (pain in the arse), but cute, no? It's a pattern from BH&G Easy Crochet a couple of years ago. Again, I made up all the triangles a while back and just got around to sewing them together last week.
So, my friend Robin on Facebook reads my status on Saturday (which said "Hanging out at the PGA Superstore looking for a new driver" 'cause that's what I was doing) and comments, "Sewing, scrapbooking, marathons and now golf! Is there anything you don't do?"
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm on a Roll...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
There's Joy in the 'Boro!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Rant About a @#$% Sewing Machine
This is the (still) unfinished bag. I will HAND stitch the handles onto the bag. I will hand stitch my label into the bag. And I will never try to do this on my sewing machine again.
Monday, July 14, 2008
And this was after the "first cutting." I've given some to friends and I'm on my third week/vase full of blooms. What's left now is covered with spider webs and those of you who know me know that I don't do spiders. (There's that unfortunate incident while learning to drive when I found one crawling across my skirt and I, uh, let go of the steering wheel. Riiiight. We won't mention that one again.)
Check out my "pretty little cupcakes all in a row..."
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Long Time, No See!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Update on the iMac
Sunday, May 25, 2008
It's Been Awhile
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day
I sold some stash yarn on Ebay - at least (overall) made my money back. Someone in PA got a dealio on some Hobby Lobby Yarn Bee eyelash yarn - 20 balls for $8.50. It retails for $2.97 per ball - I only paid $1 each for it. I made up the difference on some Lion Brand Homespun that was gifted to me. Those 10 skeins sold for $15.50. All together - $24, $4 more than I had "invested" in the eyelash. As they say, one man's trash....
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Taking the Edge Off
and some new sock yarn.
That's 600 yards of hand painted from Spider Goddess in the Lucinda colorway - a lovely blend of pink, red and orange.
Can't wait to start a new pair with it, but first, I have to finish the Harlot Socks.
I'd say I'm about 85% done - I have a little more of the foot to finish, then the toe and I'm calling them done. I've been working on them on the train when I have to work downtown. Funny the looks you get when you knit on the train - it's almost like you have a communicable disease or something. The train can be packed with one seat left next to me and the knitting and seriously people will STAND rather than sit next to me. I'm mean, really, dude, I'm NOT going to poke you with them! Hello! Occasionally people will ask "what are you knitting?" and I'll politely reply "Socks. Keeps my hands busy..." but that's as far as the conversation goes. I'm waiting for someone to say something stupidly inappropriate like "they sell socks in stores" or "I wish I had time to do something like that..." so I can say "My parole officer recommended knitting to keep my hands busy. You know after what happened the last time...." How funny would THAT be? No one would ever sit next to me again. What a hoot!
Who knew they could make yarn out of corn?
I'm not sure what I'll be doing with it but I love it.
So pretty and orangey-pink. I got this and the Manos from Knitch when I went to see the Yarn Harlot.
It, too, has all my favorite colors. I'm not sure what I'll do with 2 skeins of it but I'm sure it'll be wonderful! I got this and the Cornucopia from Patternworks.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dining room table shot...
Close up of the eyelet lace at the cuffs and hem.
I know. A first. It's one thing to finish socks (hello - they're in your shoes - no one sees them). It's another thing to finish little bitties for little babies. It entirely something else to finish something that YOU can wear in PUBLIC in front of people and NOT have it fall apart! Very cool. I wore it to work yesterday and half of "my girlz" were working from home and didn't get to see it. Total bummer. But hey, I have full-out pictures to prove it. As Madea says, "I lurve it."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Little Miss Personality
You Are An ENTP |
The Visionary You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression. You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything. Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off. You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments. In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love. And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear! You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor. At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision. How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial |
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Life's To Do List
Here goes...
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula (NOT on your LIFE! Never! Am I clear?)
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game (huge is relative but it was huge to me)
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby’s diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger (and dated for a while)
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day (does Southern count?)
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 10 provinces
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends (had? still have!)
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe (I have a backpack and I've been to Europe, does that count?)
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your cds
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving (but I'd like to)
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken (sigh..)
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an “expert”
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music (yep - singing back up)
87. Eaten shark
88. Had a one-night stand
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language fluently
95. Performed in Rocky Horror.
96. Raised children (still raisin')
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. Created and named your own constellation of stars
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an illness that you shouldn’t have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone’s heart (not that I know of)
111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone (just a toe and a finger)
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol (HELLO? I'm from SOUTH Georgia!)
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet (no ma'am...)
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach (WHY would you want to do that?)
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes (Yum!)
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey
135. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office (nope; but I've thought about running for one...)
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you (does knitting/crochet count?)
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146: Dyed your hair (brown, red, blonde...)
147: Been a DJ
148: Shaved your head
149: Caused a car accident
150: Saved someone’s life
FCS3, 10Ks and New Girlfriends (not mine!)
This is my brother and his cute new girlfriend - she's absolutely adorable; I couldn't have picked a better one. They're planning on coming to ATL for the AT&T Classic; she's a big golfer. (Which means that Bill thinks she's great, too.) Her only flaw is that she's a University of Florida grad and my brother is a huge University of Georgia fan. Oh well, opposites DO attract - or so they say.
Monday, April 07, 2008
I Saw the Yarn Harlot
Well, I went yesterday and spent 6 hours with 600 of my closest knitting friends. (Here's where the moron part comes in.) Took my camera...No. Freaking. Memory. Card! OMG - You're kidding me, right? Idiot!
Anyway, the Evil Science Chick and Grace have some great pics posted and there are some in the AJC article, too. I won a prize at the raffle - an autographed copy of New Pathways for Sock Knitters by Cat Bordhi. The Harlot signed my book - she's as funny and charming as I imagined her. She's the kind of girl you'd like to hang with over a plate of nachos and a cold beer.
The next time she comes, I'll be WAY more prepared.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Late to the Party
I now want to dig out all of my un-finished objects (did I mention I have can'tfinishitis?), photograph them and load them into my project file. Perhaps the accountability of actually having them posted on a forum where other people can see them will motivate me to actually finish a few. Hey! I can hear you laughing at me and that's not nice! :)
(Still no time to post pics from the trip last weekend, but I will. Gotta couple of big projects at the DeathStar that are due by the end of the week.)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
I'm Back!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
One of Those Days
It all started innocently enough. I had a "list." (SIDEBAR: Did I mention I'm a list maker? I make lists of lists...not quite that bad, but almost. I make a list of everything I need to pack, pack the stuff, and pack the list so I can check it off before I leave for my trip back home. I'm sure there's medication for people like me.) Where was I? Oh yes; the list. I had a list of all that I wanted/needed to accomplish today before my weekend in the mountains. I was working away and all the sudden up pops an email from one of the attorneys. Now I'm not sure you've ever worked with attorneys but when they email, they pretty much demand an immediate response. (Funny how it NEVER works the other way - it takes me days to get an answer out of one of them, I'm just sayin'....)
I'm a web master (I know; hard to believe given the savvy-ness of my blog - LOL!) and the attorney needed something posted "right away." No problem. I posted it. Then he finds an error in what HE sent me. Now, as a general rule, I do not edit other people's stuff. If it's crap, it should be their crap - not mine. But I guess he caught me at a weak moment because I edited it. I should have been overly cautious, (after all, it is a document written by an attorney). When I edited it and re-posted it - it went to crap! Pure crap! Red edits all over the thing - on the LIVE server! (I swear it looked "normal" when I saved it.) So I had to figure out exactly how he had turned on the "Track Changes" function and what password he'd used to protect the doc....blahblahblahblahblah.... I finally got totally frustrated, got it to "look" right in Word and wrote that dang thing to a PDF. Problem solved. (Note to self: Do not ever, EVER edit stuff you didn't create!) Lesson learned.
So, that ate up most of my morning and sent me on a downward spiral that ended at a quarter 'til 6 with plenty still to do on my list. There's only one thing that'll fix this day... two glasses of Pinot and a trip to Target.
I'm going to bed. I'll pack for my trip tomorrow. After all, I made a list. :-)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
After church, we had lunch with the Jenks and the girls hunted eggs together.
Then we went down to the school so Punkin could learn to ride her bike with a nice, flat surface since we live at the bottom of two hills. She was a quick learner - I think that gymnastics helped a lot because her balance was great.
She and Bill went back this afternoon when I was napping and practiced some more. She still needs a little help getting going but after that...she's a pro! All in all, it was a great weekend - no knitting...but some things are more important than knitting.
Next weekend we're going to the North Georgia mountains with the Jenks. We have a cabin rented at Fort Mountain State Park. Hopefully the weather will be nice (no rain) and we can do some hiking. I'm sure there will be lots of pics!