Monday, December 17, 2007
I Got Mad and Threw It Up In the Air...
"What's wrong with it?"
"It's broken."
"Broken how? What happened?"
"I tried to change the TV and it wouldn't work. I got mad and threw it really far up in the air and it broke."
"Maybe the battery just popped out. Bring me the pieces..." Uh, this is what I got...
You'll notice that there are several pieces that are, as of yet, still unaccounted for. Most notably, the actual BUTTONS one would push to change the channel. I'm not exactly sure where they are but I'm sure we'll find them eventually. They'll probably be right next to the other battery and the little part that held the batteries in place. Speaking of batteries...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Don't You Love It When a Plan Comes Together?
We headed to the 'Boro the weekend of November 10th for my Aunt Jean's 50th SURPRISE birthday party. I emphasize surprise because normally she makes it a point to know everything about everybody and the fact that Amy, Kristen and Ginger (the daughters, my cousins) could keep it secret, and have everyone invited to the party keep it a secret, is monumental and worth mentioning. In fact, she was so surprised that it took her a minute to come in the door. So, here's a snipit of the reaction:
And for the cute baby photo of the night, I give you baby Kole - complete with his matching camo jacket and bappy. Can I get a collective "AWWWW" from the crowd? He probably should have been wearing this adorable gray wool sweater, but I digress...
In other news, my friend Joy's albums are FINALLY out (it only took 2 years...I'm just sayin'). You'll remember that I had the privilege of singing back up on one of the songs on her Christmas album - I was part of the live choir that did back up for O Holy Night - there were only 40 of us but it sounds like a lot more - good acoustics in the church we recorded in. Eventually (the week after Thanksgiving) you'll be able to buy them on CDBaby and iTunes (search for Joy Waters Fowler when you get there) but for now, you can only order them direct from the record company - Red Arches Records. Let me know if you're interested (thatch10ATbellsouthDOTnet) and I'll email you the order info. Or call me - if you're family/friend and have my number. Anywhoo, the albums are won-der-ful; the first one is all the hymns you used to sing in church (before praise and worship music took over) and the second one is all Christmas music. I'm sure you'll be thrilled with them - she's fantastic.
I'm almost finished with the Monkey socks! I only have the instep and toe to finish on my second one and I'll officially have a REAL PAIR. And they FIT! I know . . . shut up. I have a new pair on the needles - made out of Wick in a colorway called Painted Daisies. The pattern is from a book I can't remember but I'll look it up and post pics as soon as the batteries are charged in the camera.
I'm sure there's more but I can't remember what else I need to post. More to come...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Biggest Looo-zer
I've got one of my Monkey Socks finished - except for stitching up the toe. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see something finished. I told Bill that I'm going to wear them all the time and show them to everyone - even complete strangers! That should make for interesting conversation in the checkout line at Publix.... "Hi. I'm a knitter and I made these really cool socks. See!" "Uh, Security? Anyone? I think she's a few skeins shy of a sweater."
That's all for now; I just wanted y'all to know I'm still here. Oh, and a random thought . . . it's way too early for Christmas decorations on the light poles in the Publix parking lot. I'm just saying. . .
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Catching Up
Punkin was Ariel.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Water, Water...Nowhere
It rained today - for a grand total of 15 minutes. So, not much help for the drought. I'm not much on the whole Global Warming thing - in fact, I think much of the research is tragically flawed (leave nasty comments if you want, but when you have temperature guages in the New Mexico desert on the side of west-facing rocks, you're going to get higher temp readings) - not all scientists agree on the science of Global Warming - I don't care what Al Gore says in his little movie. Anyway, I DO think that people need to be responsible. So, we're now only running the dishwasher when it's actually full; same for the washer. Before you know it, they'll be rationing how many showers we can take per week. It'll be like living in France. :)
(Rant over...)
I said I wouldn't do it...but I'm now making the Monkey socks on double points, not circulars. I know, I know. But the circulars started to bother me. I'm also almost finished with a cardigan for Punkin's American Girl. We were at the yarn store on Saturday and she saw one on display in the shop. She choose her own yarn (pink, of course). The first skein she choose was $16+ ... um, I don't think so. We, the sales girl and I, were able to steer her to a more "reasonably" priced yarn for a doll sweater. It was a quick knit and I should have it sewn together sometime this weekend. I'll post pics.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have AquaDots! I'm not sure what they are, but Punkin's wanted them for, like, EVER and we finally broke down and bought them tonight. Once I figure out what they are, what they do and why they're such a big deal, I'll let you know.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Socks On Two Circs
In other news, I cleaned out the "yarn corner" of my bedroom that was driving the dear husband nuts, and guess what I found? Not one, not 2, but FOUR started -but-not-finished projects. So typical of one who suffers from can'tfinishitis. It's a sad and debilitating disease...I'm sure you know. I would post a picture of said corner, but I'm just too embarassed. Sad. Just sad.
I packed up a box of "what the hell was I thinking when I bought this" yarn and have it ready to send off to charity. Well, not exactly charity, but to a fellow knitter in D.C. who needs it for her student knitting group. It's not awful yarn, not even bad yarn, just not the kind of yarn I like these days. So, off it goes this week to find a good new home where it will actually be knitted. Novel concept, I know.
In the what I've been reading latetly category is It's About Your Husband by Lauren Lipton. Quite entertaining. And Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair by Crazy Aunt Purl. Hys-ter-i-cal. Only a truely Southern gal could fully understand. Bought it on Friday - was finished by Sunday. A very quick, very entertaining read.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Alas, No Harlot for Me
On Saturday afternoon we went hiking with the Jenks on the Suwanee Creek Greenway, which I've run on many times while training for the marathon. However, I didn't know that they had unpaved trails. A nice break from the asphalt/concrete. Here is Punkin and her buddy, Austin, full of energy at the start of our little hike....
We only went a total of maybe 4.5 or 5 miles. There was some pretty scenery along the way...
I have NO idea what kind of flowers these are. I'm not "good" with flowers (I would post a picture of my yard but I'm too embarassed). But they were pretty nonetheless.Back to the girls...this is what they looked like when we finished the hike - quite a difference, don't you think?
After we cooled off, we headed over to the Old Towne Tavern and Grille in Suwanee. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! That's also where we ate for Bill's birthday. If you go, get the Asian Chicken Salad. To quote Rachel Ray, "Yum-O!"This weekend is the Duluth Fall Festival. A virtual cornucopia of craftiness! (And crap, but we're only going to focus on the craftiness, people.) It all starts with a kitchy parade of cheerleaders, football players, (the bar girls from Wild Bill's), political candidates, PTA groups, etc. All the things that make Duluth feel like a small town. After that candy-throwing nonsense is over, you meander through TONS of craft booths. Some of them are really good -real artisans, if you will, and others are, well... It's kind of like American Idol - you know where the really bad singers have been told by their families that they're really good - but you and ALL OF AMERICA knows that the really suck. Some of these people are still making crafts from the 80's - chee-zee! I'll see if I can sneak some pics. I love, LOVE, LOVE the Duluth Fall Festival. Small Town America at it's finest.
More to come...gotta feed the family!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Whew Baby, I'm Tired!
We went to Statesboro this past weekend - since we hadn't been there since March, I decided it was about time to pay a visit. Some good natured ribbing from mom didn't hurt, either. Plus, it was my cousin's wife's baby shower. She got a lot of nice things. Mine gift was the only handmade item, which is funny because in my area of the ATL, it's generally a contest at baby showers to see who can give the most FAB-U-LOUS handmade gift. We fight over knitted/crocheted things (me), hand-stamped things (me, Chauveen, & Andrea), handmade bags (Chauveen & Andi), handmade embroidered jumper dresses (Chauveen), handmade hooded bath towels (Chauveen - she's a busy gal - about to have a web store - I'll link when she does), etc. Quite fun to hear all the "oohs" and "ahs" when the gifts get passed around. Anywhoo, apparently that "trend" hasn't made it to the 'Boro yet. Maybe it will - maybe they just need some inspiration, oh, and a good craft store. Wal-Mart hardly counts as a good craft store. :)
Tomorrow is the baby shower for the girl in my choir. I was working on another baby sweater, like the one I made for my cousin's wife, but I SWEAR there is something wrong with the pattern and I just don't have it in me to sew and unsew it again. Hello! Read my title - I'm tired. And that includes being tired of re-sewing a baby sweater. I'm about ready to rip it all out and re-purpose the yarn - or just thow it away.
I've been inspired by this site to start making ball band dish cloths again. Her's are SO pretty and colorful and I'm tired of baby colors since all I've made lately is baby stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that. And cotton dishcloth yarn is cheap - I like cheap. Even more, my husband likes cheap.
So, I think I'll dig through the stash and find some cotton yarn and start knitting. The pattern is an easy, no-brainer kind of patter and given my past 2 weeks and the next say, I don't know, 12 weeks are going to be nuts and I need something easy to occupy myself. Which reminds me, the baby's (from the shower) great-grandmother-to-be picked up my baby sweater, admired it and said "You know, idle hands are the devil's workplace." My reply, "No idle hands here." True, true.
Hey, next week I get to go see the Yarn Harlot at Knitch! It's on Bill's birthday; he said my gift to him was not making him go see her, too. Ha! The whole knit thing has been almost too much for him to swallow; and he totally doesn't get blogging about knitting (or any other craft). Poor him...he'll come around.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Look What I've Been Up To...
On Sunday night we went to Shawn & Kimberly's for dinner. Punkin played with all the kids and ended up spending the night with Austin - quite a big step based on all the separation anxiety issues we've had over the summer. Whew! Big sigh of relief. On Monday, we met them at the park for a quick picnic. We took Cody and Leah to burn off some energy at the dog park, then came home. After a nap and dinner, it was time to get ready for the back to work/school drag....
I love long weekends.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It. Is. Finished.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
I Hate . . .
I'll also post the complete baby sweater. Can you say "too stinkin' cute"?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Now Is the Time
We've pulled up the old floor and it looks like this now:
Nice, huh? Notice the blue tape? Still haven't finished painting the trim. Guess that'll be tonight or tomorrow night. To keep Punkin entertained, we're having a friend come over to spend the night.
As for crafting, I'm working on a baby sweater (crochet) for a girl in my choir who is having a baby in October. Her shower is September 13th. I chose crochet because it's faster for me to do for gifts. If she were a really close friend or a family member, I would have knit something. Given how crazy my life is right now, it might take me months to knit a baby sweater. (Reference my post from early July that listed all my works in progress. Need I say more?)
Tonight is Curriculum Night at school so I'm off to grab dinner before we go. And, since you asked, we're having Mexican...again. :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Send me back to Palmetto Bluff!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I'll post pics and details when we get back on Sunday. Not much knitting right now because, HELLO, it's 100 degrees and 90%+ humidity! The last thing I want to touch is wool.
More later!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Today Was A Good Day
I didn't knit this weekend....because of this:
I started on Friday night and finished on Sunday afternoon. Typical of my reading habits - get my nose stuck in a book and don't put it down until I've finished. I've never been one to "savor" a book - reading it leisurely. Now I've gotten about 1/3 of the way through the next book in the series, A Good Yarn. I guess when I'm done with this one I'll have to get the next one, Back on Blossom Street.
Oh, and I'm still working on Tempting. I've got one of the sleeves on the double points and I'm working it. It took me (no lie) three tries to get going on the DPNs. For some reason I've always struggled with double points - which explains why there are two pairs of socks that I've had cast on for almost a year that I haven't finished.....
So many projects, so little time.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Back to Normal (maybe)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Painting's Done . . .Almost
Monday, July 30, 2007
What to do? Knit? Run? Or Drink?
On a positive note, the kitchen got painted. I still have to do the trim work - I'd rather stuff a hot poker in my eye, but hey, it has to be done if I want my new floor to get installed. I've taken a few "in progress" pics but none since we finished painting. I kind of want to get everything back in its assigned place before I snap the finals. Now that I'm in love with the color, I think I'll keep the cabinets white. With the new floor, new paint and new counter tops, the cabinets should look like I intended for them to be white.
On the Tempting sweater........I'm almost finished. I now have to decide if I want to make it plain (no cute ribbon threaded through it) or make it so I can change the ribbon out. I'm totally torn. Part of me wants just a nice, normal black ribbed sweater. Another part of me wants the cutie-patootie ribbon sweater. What's a gal to do? I hope to be completely finished with it by this weekend - it's kind of hard to get a lot accomplished between conference calls and a 6-year old having medication-induced meltdowns. Our trip to Hilton Head is next weekend and I'd like to have it done so I can wear it then. We'll see....
Friday, July 27, 2007
New Kitchen Alert
Anywho - the new floor is called Summer Butternut and is a yummy shade of golden oakey goodness. All 14 boxes are still sitting in my van and stinking up the place. :) I'm hoping to get the floor down sometime this week. Hubby and I are debating whether or not to pull up the existing, builder's grade (read: crappy) vinyl that's currently there or to just put the floor over it. I say rip it, he says lay over.
Once the floor is down we're on to new counter tops. I wanted something fancy (like granite) but, alas, that's a BIT TOO MUCH money! So, we're settling for a laminate called Labrador Granite - looks like granite . . . but isn't. We're hoping that with the new paint, new floor and new counter we'll like the white cabinets that are still there. There's just NO way we can afford to rip those babies out and start over.
In knitting news, I'm still working on the Jenna Adorno Tempting sweater from (like 3 years ago). I've made it up to where I divide for the sleeves. My goal is to have it finished by the end of September. It's in black Debbie Bliss Cashmerino - otherwise I'd try to post a picture. I stumbled across a blurb on a blog (Crazy Aunt Purl) about a knitting store in ATL called Knitch. Hello! How did I miss that? It's in Virginia Highland; not exactly my "side" of town, but I'm always up for a yarn road trip. I just wish some of my buddies were yarn people instead of scrappers/stampers. What's a gal to do?
Friday, July 20, 2007
Vegas, Baby!
We're heading to Lowe's to look for a new kitchen floor. We're also thinking of getting our cabinets refaced ( instead of springing for brand new cabinets. We have to do something because my kitchen is making me NUTS!
More later!
Friday, July 06, 2007
I Obviously SUCK at Blogging!
It's been a busy first half of the year. The merger between AT&T and BellSouth (merger - funny word....totally was a "we bought you" takeover) closed in late December - practically on New Year's Eve. Since then, my life has been a total blur. Work got crazy. I got moved to a new team with a new boss who is in Chicago of all places. (I love Chicago.) There's no one on my immediate team in the ATL. The good news is I like what I'm doing and it's relatively the same as what I was doing before.
I ran a marathon! Totally true. 26.2 miles. I decided that I needed a way to manage stress (and the accompanying fat ass that it gives you) and it was either take up running or become really good friends with the wine guy at the Duluth package store. You get some "interesting" looks when you go to Cost Plus World Market, load up a cart with bottles of wine and respond "nope, all for me" when the clerks says "having a party?" Plus, a good Baptist like me isn't really supposed to be coping with a nice bottle of Chianti, right?
Back to the, in January I signed up with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program to run the Rock 'n Roll Marathon in San Diego, CA on June 3rd. My first run was 3 miles at the beginning of February and I thought. I . Was. Going. To. DIE. Seriously. Nearly killed me. Four months and more than 350 training miles later, I ran my first marathon! I finished in a stellar 6 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds. (You had to finish in less than 7 hours -- 20 minutes and 5 seconds to spare!) Who cares? I FINISHED! And I raised more than $4500 for those in Georgia/Atlanta metro area who are battling blood cancers. I told everyone that, next to childbirth, it was the most exhilirating and excruciating thing I've ever done. And it was. This picture of me is post race (see my medal around my neck!) and I was getting my blisters, um, "tended to" by some poor volunteer.
Crafting...ah, forgotten hobbies. Now that it's summer, I have time to break out all the works in progress. And honey, there are a lot of WIPs. Just ask my dear husband. He'll tell you. I'll try to take pictures and post but just for your pleasure here are the ones I can think of:
- a lovely blue top-down cardigan
- an crochet afghan for Neely that I just have to piece together (hello? what was I thinking? 48 different pieces)
- two different pairs of socks
- a blue "fish-netty" scarf out of Melody by SWTC (sidebar: quite possibly the most frustrating yarn I've ever worked with)
- a white heirloom baby afghan that's 3/4 of the way done
- a pink baby afghan for a baby that was born LAST NOVEMBER
- a black bottom up 2x2 rib sweater from Jenna Adorno (pattern from
- this cute tank for Neely which needs to be seamed and blocked
- an adorable purse made out of crocheted triangles that I need to piece together
- then there's the ballet neck sweater from "Hip Knits" that I finished in 2005 that I steamed and blocked and just haven't sewn together (I obviously need professional help for my "can't-finish-itis")
- and that's just some of the yarn projects. We haven't talked about scrapbooking and stamping and sewing and . . . .